CRexsel Arguments
Verbose Errors on the Console (-v | --verbose)
Normally the errors and status reporting is output with the XSL as a set of comments.
Using the "verbose" flag will send all errors and status messages to the console.
Taking the extended example here the following will output
the symbol table to the console (or confirmation of error status).
RexselTests % crexsel tangle.rxsl --verbose --symbols
Processing tangle.rxsl -> tangle.xsl
Symbols in context "stylesheet", found: 6
[F] process-code in line 47 used in line(s) 36, 69
[M] /:: in line 20
[M] node() | @*:: in line 89
[P] endCommentString in line 15 used in line(s) 57
[P] rootChunk in line 13 used in line(s) 22, 25, 29
[P] startCommentString in line 14 used in line(s) 54
Symbols in context "forEach://aw:chunk[(@name = '*' or @name = $rootChunk) and
@type = 'code']", found: 2
[V] firstChunkPosition in line 34 used in line(s) 37
[V] rootName in line 23 used in line(s) 39
Symbols in context "process-code", found: 3
[V] chunkNode in line 49 used in line(s) 52
[V] isFirstChunk in line 48 used in line(s) 53
[V] name in line 50 used in line(s) 57
Symbols in context "when:name() = 'aw:include'", found: 1
[V] chunkRef in line 67 used in line(s) 71, 72
RexselTests %
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