
The if statement provides conditional construction that allows a set of templates to be processed based on an XPath expressio.

It does not provide an else function, however this is simply done using the choose ... when ... otherwise ... statement.

<if> ::= "if" <quote> <xpath expression> <quote> "{" <block elements>+ "}"



Although there are no required elements within the condition block, it is meaningless to have a condition that is null and does not return any values (string characters).


The following example outputs the necessary <div> element to produce a breadcrumb panel when the \sqp{id} attribute matches the variable gPage.

stylesheet { version "1.0" proc buildBody.htmlBody { if "//breadcrumbs//list:item[@id = $gPage]" { element "div" { attribute "id" "breadcrumbPanel" } } } }

will result in

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <stylesheet xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0"> <template name="buildBody.htmlBody"> <if test="//breadcrumbs//list:item[@id = $gPage]"> <element name="div"> <attribute name="id"> <text>breadcrumbPanel</text> </attribute> </element> </if> </template> </stylesheet>

Leaving out the test.

stylesheet { version "1.0" proc buildBody.htmlBody { if { element "div" { attribute "id" "breadcrumbPanel" } } } }

will give the error

**** (122) Missing test expression in line 6 Insert test.
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