Templates in XSLT can be either a named or pattern match template. The former is effectively a function (called a proc in Rexsel) that can be called from elsewhere in the stylesheet, while match is a means of matching the input against a pattern. Rexsel explicitly distinguishes between these two types by using different keywords: proc and match.
Having a distinction between proc and match ensures that there is never confusion and fulfils the requirement that the name and match attributes should never occur together in a <xsl:template> tag.
As an example, the match below matches the input against the XPath "p" within the scope (mode) of "inline-text".
This would translate to
Within match templates there is concept of mode which defines a context or scope for that match (see example above). Rexsel uses the scope keyword which, I believe, more accurately describes the concept.
procs are simpler:
would translate to
This proc could be called as
As an aside, note the use of names and string above. In general items that will appear in the output after XSLT processing is held within quote marks, while items such as function/proc names that are used by the XSLT processor do not.